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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2009; 16(1): 45-47

A Case of Toe Macrodactyly: Review of the Literature

Safiye Kafadar*, Hüseyin Kafadar**



Macrodactyly is an uncommon congenital defect, which characterized by abnormally large fingers or toes due to overgrowth of underlying bone and soft tissue. Macrodactyly is accompanied by some syndromes and treated by surgery. Radiologically X-Ray, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to determine size of lesions, involvement of soft tissue and bone that are important for surgical treatment planning.

We report an adult female who has macrodactyly of 1 and 2. digits of foot and discussed with recent literature.

Key Words: Congenital, Macrodactyly, X-Ray

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