Object: To examine psychiatric disorders frequency of children with school phobia.
Material method: The sample was consisted of 25 children with school phobia, aged 6 to 12 years, who applied to AU Medical Faculty Child Psychiatry Department between September-2002 and September -2003. 25 healthy children at the same age and gender group were taken as a control group. Diagnoses were made according to DSM-IV. Childhood Depression Inventory (CDI) and State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAI) were administered to children. Parent version of Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) for age 4-18 was completed by parents.
Results: While 19 of 25 children (76%) with school phobia had seperation anxiety disorder (SAD), 3 had (12%) social phobia, 2 had obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and 1 had generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Although CDI and STAI self-rating scores of children with school phobia were higher than control group, CBCL anxiety and depression subscale scores rated by parents were not significant between two groups.
Conclusion: High rates of rsychopatho,ogy in children wyth school phobia suggested that all children with school phobia should be assessed in terms of psychiatric disorders.
Key words: School Phobia, Psychiatric Disorders, Children, Anxiety