Aim: The objective of this study was to evaluate family planning methods among married women between age 15 to live in the City Center of Malatya and the factors affecting the method choosing.
Method: study included 25 Community Clinics located in the city centre of Malatya. The subjects participated in the study were 1600 married women.
Chi square test are used for statistical analysis of the data obtained from survey forms.
Findings: The results can be summarized as follows: Mean particitans age is 34,5±7,3. Sixty two point three percent (62,3%) of the participants stated that they used modern methods for family planning whereas 37.7% used traditıonal methods. The mostly used methods among women were withdrawal (35,5%), IUD (25,1%) and condom (20,3%). Generally, from data, it was observed that modern family planning methods mostly used among younger adults, educated couples, women who have fewer childeren, pregnant, birth (p