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Ann Med Res. 2012; 19(3): 159-166

Healthy Life Style Behaviors of Resident Assistant Working at Inonu University Medical Faculty Hospital


Elvan Türkol1, Gülsen Güneş1





Objective: This study has been carried out to define healthy life style behaviors and affected factors of resident assistant working at Hospital of Inonu University Medical Faculty.

Material and Methods: The population of the research which is cross-sectional consists of 281 resident assistant working at Hospital of Inonu University Medical Faculty. Two hundred and thirty five) assistants were included participated  this research (Participation ratio 84%). The study was carried out between of May and August 2010 , socio-demographic data survey and SYBDÖ (Healthy Life Style Behaviors Scale) have been used. Statistics packet program(SPSS) was  used to analyze the data, ANOVA, T Test between two independent groups and Chi-square test have been used in the analyses.

Results: The resident assistant who were included in the research were 40.9% women, 59.1% men, 59.1% married, 47.7% under the age of 30. 50.6% works at internal medicine, 41.3% works at surgical medicine, 8.1% works at basic medicine; 53.0% has stated that they are content with the departments that they work at, 62.0% has told that they do not smoke. The total scale of healthy life style behaviors score of the all resident assistant who participated in the research is 116.31±17.80. The highest scores were in interpersonal relations and the lowest scores were in physical activities. The total SYBD scores of the ones who work at basic medicine had been found to be higher than other departments. The level of anxiety has been found higher in the basic medicine science after graduation. SYBD scores of the resident assistant who participate in the annual resident assistant training program and who have good relations with their fellow workers are found to be high.

Conclusion: The resident assistants as having influence on the group they provide health service and with their professional responsibilities and social roles as a part of their life styles, have to choose the suitable behaviors for their own health status. Since the average of the lowest score was in the subscale of the physical activity, it has been suggested to arrange activity programs to notice the benefits of the physical activities, to prepare the background suitable for exercising and to encourage the individuals to use these services.

Key Words: Healthy Life Style Behaviors; Health Promotion; Resident Physicians.

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