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Review Article

Ann Med Res. 2011; 18(3): 194-198

Working in a Standing Posture and Health Effect

Gülçin Yapıcı



The aim of this review to indicate that the adverse health effects of standing work and to evaluate what should be done to minimize these adverse effects. Standing posture is often the most appropriate working posture. Standing work is recommended when the work area is too large to be comfortably reached when seated. Standing is preferred when the work surface does not allow the person to comfortably position her legs under the surface. When the person works in more than one workspace, he prefers to standing posture. However, standing for long periods has been implicated health problems, particularly lower-extremity tiredness and discomfort, lower-extremity swelling, venous restriction, low-back pain and whole body tiredness.

Neither static standing nor sitting is recommended. Each position has its advantages and disadvantages. Ideally, the worker frequently changes his working posture, including sitting, standing and walking.

Key Words: Standing Work; Working Posture; Ergonomics.

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