Management of Anesthesia in a Patient with Poland Syndrome
Mukadder Şanlı1, Aytaç Yücel1, Mustafa Said Aydoğan1, Hüseyin Konur1, Zekine Begeç1, Mahmut Durmuş1
Abstract | | | |
Poland syndrome is a muscular and skeletal system anomaly causing respiratory distress due to chest wall deformities. The case was presented because of the major complication of anesthesia due to the high risk of malignant hyperthermia. A 14-years old girl with Poland syndrome was scheduled for surgery because of limitation of movement on the left hand and short fingers. We aimed to update our knowledge of what needs to be done for anesthetic medication.
Key Words: Poland's Syndrome; Chest Wall Deformity; Malignant Hyperthermia; TIVA.