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Ann Med Res. 2011; 18(1): 26-32

Perspectives on Organ Donation in the Context of Sociodemographic Data and Levels of Burn Out in a Group of Nurse

Özgür Aytaş*, Şükrü Kartalcı**, Süheyla Ünal**



Aim: Today, the biggest problem of organ transplantation is that organ donation rates are very low. The belief and attitude of health workers can change organ donation rates, as they are referred to as the vital important in the information and instruction of the patients and their relatives for organ donation. The aim of this study is to examine how the sociodemographic data and level of burn out in nurses affected their thoughts on organ donation.

Method: 201 nurses working in Inonu University Turgut Ozal Medical Center were included in the study. Sociodemographic Data Form, Maslach Burn out Inventery and Sentiments Evaluation form on organ donation were used as data collection tools.

Results: Sixty percent of the participants emphasized that they didn’t have enough information about organ transplantation and, 42% emphasized that they have the thought of donating their organs. Married and healthy participants were observed to be prone to donate their organs. Forty six percent of the participants stated that they would favor to donate their organs in case of brain death. Thirty two percent of the participants stated that they might donate their relatives’ organs in case of brain death. Negative religious believes decrease organ donation thought. The more Individual Success Subscale Score increased the more the consideration of organ donation increased. Only twenty two percent of the participants gave the instructions to the patients’ relatives on this topic.

Conclusion: We identified that the nurses did not have definite opinions or adequate sensitivity on organ donation. Levels of information, individual success and religious believes seemed to shape the opinions relaeted the organ donation. Eventually, it appears that to reach the desired level in organ donation, the nurses should be given special training on this topic  and should be selected according to their individual success rates.

Key Words: Organ Donation; Nurse; Sociodemographic Data; Burn Out.

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