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Ann Med Res. 2013; 20(1): 24-29

Demographic Characteristics and Ethical Issues of Disabled Patients who Applied at a Disabled Dental Care Center in Turkey

Mehmet Karatas1, Neslihan Simsek2, Muharrem Ak3



Aim: This research was aimed to evaluate the demographic characteristics of the disabled patients who applied to the Disabled Dental Care Center (DDCC) at Faculty of Dentistry of Inonu University and the ethical issues that the dentists were faced with.

Material and Methods: The total number of disabled patients along with their genders and age intervals were determined from among the patients that applied to the Disabled Dental Care Center founded in September 2010 under the Inonu University Faculty of Dentistry.

Results: Since people with disabilities cannot perform dental care by themselves, their frequency of experiencing oral-dental health problems is considerably higher than that of normal people. In addition, the facts that disabled patients can go to dental care clinics under difficult conditions in the accompaniment of their families and that the patient may sometimes not let the dentist to carry out the medical intervention or the difficulty of the intervention are other factors causing bad dental health in this group of patients. From September 2010 to April 2012, 105 disabled patients were admitted to DDCC at Inonu University, Faculty of Dentistry.

Conclusion: The number of disabled patients admitted to the DDCC Faculty of Dentistry when compared to the number of disabled within Turkey, the number is significantly low. Mobilization, especially for persons with disabilities is an issue, such as difficulty of access to the dentist is major problem and result of a low number. The facts that the dentist will have to spare more time to disabled patients, the inadequacy of the monetary charge of the medical intervention, the requirement of a team to anaesthetize the patient are causes for the rejection of the patient by the dentist whereas the thought of the dentist that he/she could harm the patient in any way is the cause of various dilemmas.

Key Words: Disabled Persons; Dental Care For Disabled; Ethics.

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