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IJMDC. 2024; 8(8): 2045-2049

Assessment of knowledge and utilization of electrocardiogram by primary health care physicians and nurses in Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia

Abdulrahman Mohammed Alsubaie, Omer Abdulaziz Al Yahia.


Objective: This study aimed to assess primary care physicians’ and nurses’ knowledge and utilization of electrocardiograms (ECGs) in primary health care centers (PHCCs) in Qassim, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among PHCC physicians and nurses in Qassim Region, Saudia Arabia. An online self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain information about the knowledge and use of ECG.
Results: A total of 320 physicians, family medicine residents, and nurses participated in the survey. Out of the participants, 174 (54.4%) were females. The majority (n = 130, 40.6%) were aged between 31 and 40 years. In terms of the number of ECGs requested per week, approximately half of the participants, 158 (49.4%), requested ECGs two to five times per week. The most common reason for ECG requests was angina at 279 (87.2%), followed by arrhythmia at 139 (66.3%) and hypertension at 80 (25.0%). A majority of the doctors (56.3%) reported receiving ECG interpretation from senior colleagues. The most common ECG diagnosis reported was normal ECG among 296 (92.5%). Furthermore, 114 (35.6%) of the participants stated that they believed bedside teaching was the most effective way to improve ECG knowledge and its practical use.
Conclusion: This study revealed that primary care physicians and nurses in Qassim, Saudi Arabia, had a limited understanding of and limited use for ECGs. It is strongly recommended to provide bedside training, hands-on tutorials during clinical rotations, and workshops/continuous medical education (CME) to enhance ECG knowledge, attitude, and utilization.

Key words: Knowledge, utilization, electrocardiogram, primary care physicians, nurses, Saudi Arabia

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