Climate change contributed to extreme weather events including heavy rainfalls across the country. Scientists projected that climate change had increased the frequency of heavy rainstorms, putting many communities at risk for devastation. Approximately, 30 typhoons hit the Philippines annually, ignited soil erosions, and deadly raging floods that killed numerous people. The worst flood that hit the Philippines attributed to climate change took place all over the world. People were not warned of the rise of water in the locality because no device monitored the rainfall in real-time. To detect rainfall that produced flash-floods is determining the location, and time duration of most intense rainfall cores. A rain gauge is a tool used to detect heavy rainfall with floods. RG-11 rain-fall-sensor was a device that resolved the concern. It is optical, rugged, sensitive, and reliable. It was extremely sensitive and immune to false trips. No exposed conductors to corrode. So that the researcher can help the community to prepare for the said possible floods, the researcher, wanted to develop a digital rain gauge that monitors the amount of rainfall in real-time at Southwestern University, Cebu City. The accuracy of the digital rain gauge using Hydreon-RG-11 rainfall-sensor was verified to the standard rain gauge.
Key words: Climate Change Flash Floods Rain Gauge Rainfall Hydreon RG-11 rain-fall sensor