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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2015; 5(2): 44-47

Spontaneously resolving idiopathic bilateral chylothorax

Mohammed Ismail Nizami, G. K. Paramjyothi, N. Narendra Kumar, R. P. Boddula.


Chylothorax is a relatively rare clinical entity caused by injury or obstruction of the thoracic duct or its tributaries leading to accumulation of chyle in the pleural cavity. It is characterized by a high concentration of neutral fat and fatty acids in the pleural fluid. Bilateral chylothorax is even more unusual, the commonest etiology being malignancy and trauma. However, we report a case of idiopathic bilateral chylothorax which resolved with medical management.

Key words: Chylothorax, chyle, Lymph, Intercostal drainage, Lymphoscintigraphy, Medium chain triglycerides (MCT)

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