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J Med Allied Sci. 2014; 4(1): 28-34

Periocular anthropometric study among adult Bangladeshi Buddhist Chakma females

Asma Mostafa, Laila Anjuman Banu, Azmeri Sultana.


The dimensions of the human body are affected by geographical, racial, ethnic, gender and age factors. So, a normative data of periocular measurements based on above factors are indispensa-ble to identify any ocular pathology and to precise determination of the degree of deviations from the normal. The study was descriptive, observational and cross-sectional in nature with some analytical components. The study group consisted of a convenient sample of 100 adult Bangladeshi Buddhist Chakma females aged between 25 and 45 years. Eleven variables were analyzed using photographic procedures and nine indices were calculated from photographically measured variables. Regression analyses showed that interpupillary distance has significant positive correlation with each of the orbital measurements except for right and left eye fissure height. Regression equations were calculated from those orbital variables showing significant positive correlation with interpupillary distance.

Key words: Chakma females, Intercanthal width, Interpupillary distance, Nasal limbus to temporal limbus, Right eye fissure height

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