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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2013; 3(2): 85-87

Large leiomyoma of the broad ligament

Sunil V. Jagtap, Wasim G. M. Khatib, Swati S. Jagtap, N. S. Kshirsagar.


Broad ligament is a very uncommon site for presentation of leiomyoma. On account of their size and nature (pedunculated or sessile), clinically leiomyomas may present variably. We are presenting a rare case of leiomyoma of broad ligament in a 52 year old female patient who presented with complaints of lower abdominal pain of long duration, associated with menstruation. On clinical and radiological examination it was found to be a right sided mass in the pelvic region suspected to be a tubo-ovarian mass. On histopathology, it was confirmed to be a soft tissue tumor–Leiomyoma. We present this case on account of its rarity and the diagnostic difficulties posed.

Key words: Broad ligament, Leiomyoma

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