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Enhancing the assessment landscape by SWOT analysis: A comprehensive approach to evaluating MD physiology practical examinations

Gauri Mittal, Sunita Mittal, Ashwini Mahadule, Akriti Kapila Sharma, Prashant M. Patil, Richa Kumari, Latika Mohan.


It is the evaluation system rather than educational objectives, curriculum, or instructional techniques that have the most profound impact on what the students eventually learn. This is especially applicable to practical knowledge/clinical skills of the subject as this gives mostly real-time assessment. Exploring the most suitable assessment format that shapes postgraduate training is crucial. The primary parameters for the same can be viewed as four domains/ competencies of learning i.e. knowledge, skills, attitude, and communication (KSAC).

i. Structured roadmap to conduct a summative assessment of practical MD Physiology. ii. To conduct a SWOT analysis on the current practical MD Physiology examination pattern.

The MD Physiology summative practical exam was conducted in the Department of Physiology in an institute of National importance during December 2020, June 2021, and December 2022. The exam pattern was evaluated by SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis. Feedback for each domain of learning i.e. knowledge, skill, attitude, and communication (K, S, A, C) was rated using a Likert scale of 1 to 10.

The examiner's analysis provided some excellent insight into all 4 areas of the SWOT study and feedback for each domain of learning.

This examination pattern can be adapted by various institutes to suit their resources while maintaining a structured exam format. Institutions can modify their assessment pattern to align with the study's framework, fostering the development of proficient and independent Physiologists.

Key words: Assessment, MD Physiology, Practical Physiology, SWOT Study

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