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J Med Allied Sci. 2012; 2(2): 54-57

A study of craniofacial anthropometrics in Hyderabad (Deccan)—and a review of literature

Nowsheen Khan, Vasanta Leela, Annavarapu Gopalakrishna.


The development of an anthropometric craniofacial data base is a necessary multidisciplinary initiative, and on anthropometry of the South-Indian face is inadequate. The purpose of this investigation is to obtain average parameters that define the soft tissue facial profile of the investigated population in order to provide an important reference for community, security, social and medical applications. In this pilot study, the faces of 40 young adults were studied with standardized photography and measurements, and the data collated to determine averages for the Deccan region ethnic sub-set. This data-set has been compared and contrasted with others in literature.

Key words: Craniofacial anthropometry, Anthropometrics, Hyderabad Deccan, Soft-tissue facial parameters

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