In this era of technological advancements many changes has occurred in method of teaching and learning. Compared to conventional method of teaching with chalk and black board now a days many educators are preferring PowerPoint presentations on screen or over the head projectors. But there is difference in opinion about effectiveness of each method. So, this study was carried out to find out most impactful method of teaching in our setting.
To compare the impact of the PowerPoint multimedia presentation and chalkboard in teaching by assessing the knowledge of the participants based on the marks obtained in the pre-test and post-test.
Total 238 participants were enrolled in the study and they were divided in two groups. Then they were taught by each method separately in separate class rooms by the same teacher for the same duration of time. A pre-test was taken before teaching session and a post-test after the teaching session. Scores of both the tests were analysed.
Students scored better in post-test than pre-test in both the groups. Students of the chalk and board method got higher mean score than PowerPoint presentation group.
Chalk and board method was found more effective than PowerPoint presentation.
Key words: PowerPoint vs chalk board, Teaching methods, Education, Teaching techniques