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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2012; 2(1): 23-25

Giant cell tumor of the flexor tendon sheath of the hand

Mazheruddin Ali Khan, Mohammed Mateen.


Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a slowly progressing benign tumor arising from synovial cells of tendon sheaths. We report a case of GCTTS of the right ring finger in a forty year old female patient. Radiograph shows soft tissue globular swelling of the right ring finger with scalloping of the middle phalanx and irregular cortical outline with extrinsic soft tissue impression of the proximal phalanx due to pressure effect by the tumor. No evidence of soft tissue calcification is seen. Biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath.

Key words: Giant cell tumor, tendon sheath

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