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J App Pharm Sci. 2016; 6(9): 109-114

Acute and Subchronic Toxicities of Indonesian Mistletoes Dendrophthoe pentandra L. (Miq.) Ethanol Extract

Resmi Mustarichie, Sohadi Warya, Nyi Mekar Saptarini, Ida Musfiroh.


Traditionally mistletoes Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq known in Indonesia is to cure cough, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, ulcers, smallpox, diuretic, skin infection and after child-birth. Previously we reported its total flavonoid content and antiinflammatory properties. This article reports the acute and subchronic toxicity testing. Acute toxicity aims to determine the toxic dose of Dendrophthoe pentandra ethanol extract in mice that expressed in LD50 using probit log chart. Subchronic toxicity aims to look at the security level of long-term use of the extract. For the acute toxicity test done within approximately 14 days while the subchronic toxicity tests carried out for a period of 121 days. Animals were sacrificed and examined organs and histopathologic index. The results showed LD50 values for acute toxicity seen in the observations at a dose of 20 g/kg which might cause mortality of 50% in mice. A dose of 20 g / kg in mice was comparable to a dose of 14 g/kg in rat. From the subchronic observation test and from the observation group and Satellite Test found any swelling suspected tumor. In the Test group occurred Lymphoma severe, and in the group of satellites could be seen the rest of the connective tissue and inflammation. These tumors could be associated with a given dose of the extract, because the control group, did not happen the same as in the other two groups were given the extract. Data showed that the results SGOT of test group was greater than the control group, but the value was still approaching the reference value. While the results of SGPT levels of test group was smaller than the control group, but the overall value of SGPT much larger than the reference value that indicated liver damage. It was found in the kidney test that creatinine values of all groups were still within the range of the reference value. From these results it can be concluded ethanol extract Dendrophthoe pentandra have LD50 values which have toxicological significance is not toxic but is not recommended to be used for a long periode.

Key words: Keywords: ethanol extract, dendrophthoe pentandra, acute toxicity, subchronic toxicity

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