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Superselective vesical artery embolisation of bleeding associated with bladder cancer

Alperen Kayali, Ibrahim Bariscan Soydan, Ayca Seyfettin, Sadik Gorur.


Superselective vesical artery embolization is used in the control of bleeding due to bladder cancer. However, there are few studies with a small number of patients. The current study aimed to investigate the efficacy, complications, and short-mid-term results of super-selective transarterial embolization in the treatment of persistent hematuria associated with bladder cancer. A retrospective examination was made of 13 patients with bladder cancer-related persistent hematuria who were applied with selective vesical artery embolization in the interventional radiology unit. The patients were evaluated in terms of the success of the treatment, the patients' need for additional interventional procedures, and the complications related to the procedure. Superselective superior vesical artery embolization was applied to a total of 13 patients with a mean age of 78.85±11.76 years and a median follow-up of 181 days. The time without bleeding was determined as a median of 159 days (min: 15, max:1410 days). The short-term clinical success was calculated as 84.6%. In the long-term follow-up of the patients in this study, the clinical success was determined to be 76.9% and no major complications were observed in any patient. Superselective embolization of vesical arteries is an effective and reliable treatment method for bladder cancer-related bleeding with high clinical success rates and low complication rates.

Key words: Bladder cancer, angiography, embolization, vesical artery

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