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Case Report

Disseminated tuberculosis with splenic involvement in an immunocompetent host: a rare entity

Babaji Ghewade, Tarushi Sharma, Swapnil Chaudhari, Smaran Cladius.


Disseminated tuberculosis with liver and spleen involvement in an immunocompetent host is a rare entity today, not frequently diagnosed and reported. It is an unusual but possibly fatal form of tuberculosis observed largely in immune-compromised patients. Here, we report a case of a 22-year old immunocompetent woman who presented with multiple nodular opacities on chest X-ray. After investigations, she was diagnosed as a case of disseminated tuberculosis involving lungs, liver, abdominal lymph nodes, and spleen and responded well to antitubercular therapy.

Key words: Disseminated tuberculosis, immunocompetent host, splenic tuberculosis

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