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A community-based study to assess test–retest reliability of senior fitness test in the geriatric population in a northeastern Indian city

Prasanta Kumar Bhattacharya, Kuldeep Deka, Aakash Roy.


Background: Maintenance of physical fitness is a cornerstone of geriatric preventive care. Senior fitness test (SFT) is a simple test for assessing physical fitness of the geriatric population. However, its reliability in the Indian setting has not been well established.

Objective: To determine the relative and absolute test–retest reliability of SFT as a physical fitness tool of the geriatric population in the community.

Materials and Methods: A community-based prospective, nonexperimental study was carried out in an urban community of Guwahati, Assam, India. Thirty-one physically active, elderly individuals (aged ≥65 and

Key words: Community based, geriatric, physical fitness tests, senior fitness test, intra-rater variability, reliability

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