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Research Article

AJVS. 2024; 17(2): 27-33

Molecular Detection of Feline Panleukopenia Virus From Clinical Cases in India

P. Saranraj, M. Manigandan, R. Nisha, L. Yuvalakshmi.


This study was planned for molecular detection of Feline panleukopenia virus from the clinical cases in India. A total of 90 faecal samples from the cats at different ages, breed and sex which showed clinical features such as diarrhea, persistent vomiting and hemorrhagic enteritis in clinics, Tamil Nadu, India in 2020 to 2023 were collected. The faecal samples were processed and the filtered samples were used for DNA extraction and PCR. The molecular study done by detection FM gene. After PCR assay, the results showed that out of 90 samples, 62 samples were positive for FM at 695 bp. The current study showed that the prevalence of infection in females was higher than those of males at age less than 1 year. The cats at local breed showed a percentage of 48.4 which exhibit no differences from foreign breed 51.6 %. In conclusion, the prevalence of FPL infection was high at all breeds and female cats at age less than 1 year.

Key words: Feline panleukopenia (FPL), Cats, India, Molecular analysis and Prevalence.

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