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Evaluation of antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of extracts from fruits in fibroblastoma HT1080 cell lines: four fruits with commercial potential in Colombia



Polyphenol compounds from plants have antioxidant activity because of their capacity of decrease the reactive oxidative species (ROS). Therefore, the search of new plant extracts containing polyphenols has been a priority of pharmaceuticals and research institutions. In this work we assessed the antioxidant activity and total phenol content in methanol extracts of four fruit with commercial potential in Colombia, such as Averrhoa carambola L., Bactris minor, Vaccinium meridionale and Vitis labrusca. In addition, we tested the effect of these fruit extracts on the reduction of viability induced by rotenone in cell lines HT1080. We report that Vaccinium meridionale exhibit a higher antioxidant capacity in comparison to others fruit extracts. However, all extracts present a slight antioxidant capacity in comparison to Vitamin C. Interestingly, all fruit extracts protect the HT1080 cells against reduction of viability induced by the rotenone, and Vitis labrusca present a best protection of these cells. Results describe some antioxidant properties of those fruits that could represent a therapy against disease generated by oxidative stress

Key words: Antioxidant capacity, Cytotoxic activity, Averrhoa carambola L., Star fruit, Carambolo, Bactris minor, Corozo, Vaccinium meridionale, Agraz, Vitis labrusca, Uva isabella, HT1080 fibrosarcoma, Colombia

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