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J App Pharm Sci. 2016; 6(8): 013-021

Encapsulation of Nicotinamide into Cellulose Based Electrospun Fibers

Ahmed A Nada, Ahmed G Hassabo, Amina L Mohamed, Saad Zaghloul.


Systematic application of topical drugs has been widely prescribed as an effective treatment for skin disorders. However, the widespread use of such topical drugs is also associated with emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms resulting in patients resist for one or more antibiotics. Nicotinamide, a water-soluble amide of nicotinic acid and a common topical drug, is approved as anti-acne drug with anti-inflammatory potentials. Encapsulation of nicotinamide into electropun water-soluble matrix that chemically crosslinked is the approach to control its release.
In this research, biocompatible nano-fibrous mat was developed with hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) blended with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) by electro-spinning technique. The concentration of HEC (5%) with PVA (10%) was optimized, blended in different ratios (20–50% HEC concentration) and electro-spun to get smooth nano-fibers. Nicotinamide was successfully encapsulated in the electro-spun fibers. Nicotinamide release was controlled via chemical cross-linking of the produced mat. Selected parameters of spinning solutions (viscosity and conductivity) and process parameters (applied voltage and needle-to-collector distance) were studied. The microstructure, morphology of blended HEC/PVA, nicotinamide -loaded nano-fiber, cross-linked HEC/PVA nano-fibrous scaffolds were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). SEM images showed that the mean diameters of blend nano-fibers were ranged from 80 to 60 nm. The release profile of the nicotinamide was demonstrated. Release profile of the uncrosslinked and crosslinked mats were demonstred. Immortalized human skin fibroblasts cells were used to examine the biocompatibility of the produced HEC/PVA/ nicotinamide electrospun mats.

Key words: Electrospinning; Encapsulation; Nicotinamide and Hydroxyethyl Cellulose

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