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Research Article

Nutritional composition of Smoked Dried Archachatina marginata Meat Processed with NSPRI Smoking Kiln

Omoniyi Samuel Oyewole,Kafayat Oluwatoyin Zaka,Taiwo Oluwatoyin Ajao,Olufisayo Ibitoye,Bukola Balogun,Boluwaji Mathew Adeniyi.

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This work basically focused onevaluating the potential of smoked snail (Archachatina Marginata) meat using NSPRI smoking kiln®as a sustainable dietary source, in order to address food security challenges thereby promoting healthier dietary choices globally. NSPRI smoking kiln®was developed as a result of the traditional smoking process being inefficient coupled with health hazards posed by wood during smoking. African giant snails were procured from “Oje” market in Ibadan East LGA, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Samples were cracked, degutted, washed and rinsed in clean water. Thereafter, treatment was applied by brining, then, samples were smoked in the kiln. Smoke dried Archachatina marginata products were characterized for their proximate and mineral composition according to standard. Results of proximate composition indicated that there was a good retention of nutrients of crude fat, ash, crude fibre, protein, moisture content (3.0± 0.46,1.83±0.20, 0.13±0.32, 75.7±0.21,17.61±0.34% respectively); and energy content of (1462.45±26.70 KJ/100g). Furthermore, result of mineral composition indicated a significant amount of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and iron retained (104.87±0.30, 220.95±0.41, 210.90±0.30, 15.49±0.33, 8.91±0.24 mg/100g).NSPRI smoking kiln®aided in better smoking efficiency and maintained the nutritional value of the meat.By leveraging improved smoking methods like the NSPRI smoking kiln, stakeholders can enhance the nutritional profile of snail meat while addressing concerns related to traditional smoking practices.

Key words: snail meat, protein, fat, smoking, minerals, nutrition

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