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Influence of the village head leadership-based self-efficacy and personal mastery to total visits of children under 5 years to health officials in Central Lombok west Nusa Tenggara

Sabar Setiawan,Tjipto Suwandi, Rahmat Hargono, Hari Basuki N B.


Background: The village head as the leader and head of the government is directly elected by the villagers, entrusted and at the same time required to possess a good leadership skill for the sake of the community health development. The requirement for the good leadership is especially important as the health level of the community in Central Lombok Regency is still low. Therefore, a study on the current leadership style of the village head in Central Lombok is very necessary, emphasizing on the role of the village head in optimizing the children under 5 years visit to the health official, as the form of community participation in health program.

Objective: The study is aimed at presenting the leadership model of the village head based on personal mastery and self-efficacy.

Materials and Methods: Type of research is observational. The study design used was cross-sectional. There were 127 respondents, all village heads in Central Lombok. The conceptual framework is a modification of the Theory of Planned Behavior model. The data were obtained through survey method, using questionnaires for the village head and the check list as reinforcement for village midwives. Data analysis was performed with the Smart PLS. 2,0.

Results: (1) Leader’s attitude has weak influence on the leadership of village head. (2) Subjective norm has weak influence on the leadership of village head. (3) Self-efficacy has considerable influence on the leadership of village head. (4) Village head leadership behavior model–based self-efficacy and personal mastery illustrated with structural equation modeling, that the leadership of the head of the village is very weakly influenced by leader’s attitude and subjective norm, but influenced enough by self-efficacy and intention. The influence of the leadership of the village head is very weak to visit children under 5 years to health officials.

Conclusion: (1) Leadership village head in Central Lombok regency is influenced enough by self-efficacy and intention, but weakly influenced by leader’s attitude and subjective norm. (2) Leadership village head in Central Lombok weak effect on the number of visits children under 5 years to health officials.

Key words: Personal mastery, self-efficacy, leadership village head, theory of planned behavior, visits, children under 5 years

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