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Surgical Approaches to Symptomatic Arteriovenous Fistula Aneurysms: a Single-Center Experience

Emre Kubat, Celal Selcuk Unal, Emre Gok, Aydin Keskin.


Arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) created for hemodialysis accesses are prone to aneurysmal degeneration. Arteriovenous fistula aneurysms may lead to pain, aesthetic problems, infection, bleeding, and fistula thrombosis. The aim of this study is to report our surgical approaches and outcomes of AVF aneurysms. Medical records of a total of 21 patients (9 males, 12 females) with an AVF aneurysm who underwent surgery at Karabuk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery between January 2013 and March 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age was 59.7±13.5 years. Aneurysmectomy was performed on eight patients, while partial aneurysmectomy and polytetrafluoroethylene graft interposition were carried out in four patients. Three patients underwent aneurysmorrhaphy, whereas six patients underwent thrombectomy + aneurysmorrhaphy to the aneurysmatic segment. All patients were discharged without any event at the postoperative second day. They were scheduled for follow-up visits and assessed by Doppler ultrasound. Currently, surgical repair is the gold standard in the treatment of AVF aneurysms. Based on our experience, we recommend surgical interventions for selected patients to maintain AVF continuation.

Key words: Arteriovenous fistula aneurysm, hemodialysis, vascular access

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