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Adaptation of three factor eating questionnaire (TFEQ-R21) into Turkish culture: A validity and reliability study

Suzan Şeren Karakuş, Halime Yıldırım, Şener Büyüköztürk.


Abstract: Individuals display different attitudes and behaviors when meeting their nutritional requirements. Any impairment in the eating behaviors that are affected from many factors pave the way for the development of diseases. With this reason, understanding the eating behaviors and impairments of eating behaviors is important. However, eating behavior is a complex process affected by intrinsic, environmental and social factors. Several measurement tools have been developed to understand the eating behaviors. One of these measurement tools is the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ) comprising 51 items. This study aims at adaptation of the 21-item (TFEQ-R21) obtained by the revision of the three-factor eating questionnaire (TFEQ) to the Turkish culture. TFEQ-R21 measures the eating behavior based on three factors including the cognitive restriction, uncontrolled eating and emotional eating. Data collected from 258 individuals with Turkish version of the Three-Factors Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ-Tr21). Validity of TFEQ-Tr21 has been tested with confirmatory factor analysis for validity, correlations between the subscales and item analysis. The internal consistency of TFEQ-Tr21 has been tested with Cronbach’s alpha ve McDonald’s structural reliability coefficients. Confirmatory factor analysis has shown that the structure of TFEQ-Tr21 is identical with the original scale (TREQ-R21). Reliability coefficients have been found out as satisfactory. It has been shown that the scale adapted to Turkish culture (TFEQ-Tr21) is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can be used to determine the eating behaviors.

Key words: Three Factor Eating Questionnaire, Eating Behavior, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Validity, Reliability

Article Language: Turkish English

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