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A study of meningioma in relation to age, sex, site, symptoms, and computerized tomography scan features

Pratik B Desai, Dhaval Patel.


Background: Meningioma, named by Harvey Cushing in 1922, is a group of heterogeneous tumors that arise from meningothelial cells. Meningiomas are predominantly benign tumors usually attached to the dura that arise from the meningothelial cell of the arachnoids. Meningioma may be found along with any of the external surface of the brain and within the ventricular system, where they arise from the stromal arachnoids cells of the choroid plexus.

Objective: To evaluate the incidence of meningioma, its frequency in to the various parts of the brain, and age and sex distribution of meningioma.

Materials and Methods: A total of 50 cases of meningioma (clinically diagnosed and histologically proved) of patients admitted in neurosurgery units of a teaching hospital were studied. A detailed history was taken. Finding was recorded in the pro forma designed for the study.

Result: In this study, we found that the most common location is the intracranial in 44 cases (88%), male to female ratio is 1:2.12, common age for meningioma is 31–50 years, the most common site in intracranial is the convexity of brain in 31 cases (70.46%), and the most common symptom is headache.

Conclusion: A total of 50 cases of meningioma were studied for their incidence in relation to age, sex, and site of occurrence. The most common site is intracranial location, female have higher incidence than male subjects. In intracranial meningioma, the most common site is the convexity of brain, age group is 31–50 years, and symptom is headache.

Key words: Meningioma, brain, clinical features, CT scan

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