Five hundred and sixty four dogs of under 3 years of age from a total of 1,620 that were presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Clinic at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan between April and August 2003 were screened for Toxocara canis. Also a total of 128 children of below 11 years of age from some schools at the immediate vicinities of 5 playgrounds in Ibadan, from a total of 1,012 volunteers were clinically examined and scored on given guidelines for the diagnosis of Viscera Larva Migrans (VLM). They were again screened by the Toxocara-Elisa assay for VLM, while their area playgrounds were evaluated for T. canis eggs. Group prevalence for canine Toxocariosis was 64.9% by the flotation method, while VLM was 87.5% by the ELISA. Mean T. canis egg counts were significantly higher( p
Key words: Faeces, Ibadan, Nigeria, Prevalence, Ibadan, Soil, Toxocariosis