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J Med Allied Sci. 2024; 14(2): 51-54

The one-minute paper: A quick feedback from one-hour class

Madhumita Mukhopadhyay, Sashanka Paul, Sudip Das.


The aim of every medical teacher is to strive for improved student’s understanding of the topic. The questions that come to the teacher’s mind include what did the students learn from my lecture, what are the things they did not understand and how can the teaching be improved so that the students can learn better. One-minute papers (OMP) are a novel but simple approach to obtaining a personalized feedback in a very short time. The large group session was taken for 83 students on deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and varicose veins by a faculty member of the General Surgery department. At the end of the session, the one-minute feedback paper was provided to the students. Students were given one minute to complete the task. The students were told to write their answers in words, phrases and short sentences. The feedback taken was anonymous. We assessed the responses and analyzed what students had learned, where there might be gaps in their knowledge, and what aspects of teaching practice they were responding to. Three questions were asked (1) What are the five most important things you learnt today? (2) What are the things you did not understand? and (3) What are your suggestions for change? A day later feedback on OMP was taken on a Google form. In conclusion, OMP is a very quick, simple and efficient method of obtaining student feedback in a large group. Just analyzing the responses will help us in modifying subsequent lectures in a more student friendly way.

Key words: Large group teaching, Feedback, One minute paper

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