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SETB. 2016; 50(1): 26-32

Cardiac troponin I levels in patients with severe preeclampsia and effect of magnesium sulfate treatment on cardiac troponin I levels

Ozgur Cot, Serkan Kumbasar, Aytek Şık, Mesut Demir, Erman Sever, Elif Sezin Kayaalti.


Objective: It was aimed to investigate minor myocardial injury in preeclampsia by comparing troponin I levels in pregnant women with preeclampsia and normal pregnant women, and to examine the effect of magnesium sulfate treatment on cardiac troponin I levels.
Material and Method: The study included two groups as one preeclemptic group consisting of 25 pregnant women with preeclampsia (group 1) and a control group consisting of 25 pregnant women who do not have any medical or obstetric problem. Mean serum cardiac troponin I levels measured before and after magnesium sulfate treatment in pregnant women with preeclampsia were compared to troponin I levels in healthy pregnant women.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding their demographical properties (p>0.05). As for the comparison of mean cardiac troponin I levels between groups, there was marked and statistically significant difference between Group I (0.0944±0.044 ng/mL) and Group II (0.006±0.002 ng/mL) (p

Key words: Magnesium sulfate treatment, preeclampsia, troponin I

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