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Global Nursing Shortage: Future Challenges


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The global nursing shortage poses a significant challenge to future healthcare workforce planning, highlighting the urgent need for strategic endeavors to address this issue. The shortage of nurses is exacerbated by a significant increase in the shortage of nurses and the elderly nursing workforce. Furthermore, many health problems in the healthcare industry affect their well-being and negatively affect their performance. Moreover, there is a recognized worldwide shortage of nurse educators. The search for workable solutions for nurses' health can significantly improve morale, recruitment, and retention. A short-term and long-term solution is now needed to prevent the escalation of the shortage of nursing staff. This article delves into the myriad factors contributing to the increasing deficit of nurses on a global scale, the implications of these deficiencies on patient care, and the multifaceted challenges that we can expect to encounter in the future. The article aims to catalyze policymakers, healthcare providers, and leaders across the globe to navigate the complex world of healthcare staffing and provide plans for effective reform.

Key words: Global Nursing; Shortage; Future Challenges

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