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NMJ. 2012; 1(1): 25-28

Impact of Training session on biomedical waste management for a group of Nurses - an Analysis

Rama Mohan Desu, Veera Prasad M.


Background & Aim: Hospitals are required to follow the Biomedical Waste management Handling Rules & Regulations, 1998 under the Environment protection Act for hospital waste disposal. The present study was initiated by the hospital administrators to assess the knowledge level on the biomedical waste management among the nurses for taking further action to ensure proper biomedical waste management.
Material & Methods: Prospective study conducted at a tertiary care center. Nurses (n=38) were given a training session on Biomedical waste management by an expert group comprising of nursing supervisors, clinical doctors and hospital administrators. Kirkpatrick’s model of training evaluation was followed consisting of reaction evaluation and learning evaluation through questionnaire (Q=25) before and after starting the training program.
Results: The minimum and maximum marks obtained by the nurses before training was 11 and 22 respectively. This increased to 18 and 25 after the training. The marks obtained before training (17.89±2.96) and after training (21.71±2.16) showed statistical significant improvement in the knowledge of biomedical waste management (p=0.0001) among the nurses.
Conclusions: There is definite improvement in the knowledge on biomedical waste management among the nurses after the training session

Key words: Kirkpatrick’s model, Training evaluation, Biomedical waste management.

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