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Educational Perceptions of Recently Graduated Military Physicians Regarding Military Health Services

Pelin Özmen, Salih Gürcan Manaav,Soykan Şahin, Yusuf Ziya Türk, Mehmet Çetin.


Objectives: The assessment of the one-month post-graduate training course taken by the 136th Term Trainee Officers of Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GATA) in the Military Health Service Department in respect of classroom ergonomics, active learning techniques, curriculum content, adult education and post-graduation training.
Research Method: The scope of the research covered 67 medical doctors who underwent training between 9 January and 3 February 2012 in GATA Military Health Service Department Tactics and Leadership Laboratory. 66 trainees of this group completed the survey prepared for the current research. The survey consist of four parts and comprised of 86 questions.In the first part of the survey qestions which 3 related to demographic data, 24 to education and teaching methods, 56 to the contents of the curriculum and 3 to views and suggestions. In the study used of any scale. The data were interpreted by the researchers.
Findings: The distribution of the participants amongst the Forces was 66.6% (n:48) from the Armed Forces, 16.6% (n:11) from the Air Force, 9.9% (n:6) from the Navy and 1.5% (n:1) from the Gendarmerie. Gender distribution was 93.9% (n:62) male and 6.1% (n:4) female. Average age was 25.2+1.0. On an average basis participants assessed the physical environment of the training at 32.0 (21-40), the post-graduate training provided at 31.0 (12-40) and teaching methodology at 32.0% (17-40). 80.3% (n:53) of the participants found the curriculum content appropriate. The course they most wanted to see on the curriculum was Managing the Medical Situation During Natural Disasters at 92.4% (n:61), and the least desired course was Factory-level Maintenance at 48.5% (n:32).Forces of the participants are bound by the statistical significance of the existing classes have been researched perspective.The most important benefit provided by the training of participants responding to question, %38,0 then stated that education prepares them to the field.
Conclusion: The timing of this training was criticized as it came just before the Medical Specialist Training Admission Examination. However it was also stressed by the participants that this training was necessary. The Military Health Service Department Tactics and Leadership Laboratory was found to provide a satisfactory training environment, and the delivery of the subjects studied through interactive methods was received positively.

Key words: Key words: Adult Education, Continuous Development, Post-graduate Training, Interactive Training Techniques.

Article Language: Turkish English

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