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Original Research

. 2024; 80(1): 59-78

Intersectional Representations of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Television: Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Korean Media, and Disability Discourses

Jacqueline Stallworth, Anna Shapiro, Michaela DE Meyer.


This essay examines the representation of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the K-drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022). Through an ideological analysis, we analyzed the depiction of Woo Young-woo as she navigates her autism, her workplace and her relationships. Specifically, we address several stereotypes of ASD represented in the series, including savant abilities, dependency on a caretaker, and an inability to successfully navigate interpersonal relationships. By evaluating the depiction of ASD in Extraordinary Attorney Woo, this research aims to contribute to a wider understanding of how media can affect public perceptions of disabled characters. In addition, it offers insight into the potential for more humane and inclusive portrayals of individuals with ASD.

Key words: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), K-Drama, Television, Stereotypes, Representation, Disability

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