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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(2): 226-228

Ruptured tubal pregnancy with very low B-hCG levels: a case report

Senem Arda Duz, Sevil Eraslan, Ebru Inci Coskun.

Cited by 0 Articles

Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine cavity. Although tubal ectopic pregnancy is more common, it can be rarely seen in abdominal cavity, ovarium and cervix. Mortality caused by rupture of the ectopic pregnancy decreased dramatically with the introduction of sonography and measurement of serum 03B2-hCG (beta-human chorionic gonadotropin) levels. However there is no correlation between the clinical findings and 03B2-hCG levels. A 29-year-old nullipar woman with amenorrhea had a03B2-hCG level of 1051 mUI/mL and ultrasonographic findings were pointing to tubal pregnancy. Because of the patient's stable clinical condition, it was decided to follow the patient with expectant management. When she was admitted with severe abdominal pain, the 03B2-hCG level was 39,8 mIU/ml and ultrasonography showed a large amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The patient underwent laparotomy (right) and salpengectomy. Even though 03B2-hCG levels are low and declining, the possibility of rupture should be kept in mind.

Key words: Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy; Tubal Pregnancy; Low 03B2-hCG Levels.

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