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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(2): 1479-1484

Women Emancipation in the Select works of Manju Kapur’s Novels.

Dr. G. Karthigaiselvi.


Human beings are fundamentally social creatures who depend on one another for their physical and psychological survival and well-being. Man is born with powerful needs for love, friendship and belonging and similarly he fears and avoids rejection, loneliness and the disapproval of others. There are a variety of relationships from a social and psychological perspective including attraction, love- and mate selection; kinship, friendship and enmity; jealousy, betrayal and forgiveness; communication, conflict and aggression; and the processes involved in relationship breakdown and repair. Man-woman relationship and one individual with other individual relationship are complex structures and processes which are determined by different cultural perspectives.

Key words: Physical Psychological Survival, Loneliness, Quest for identity, , Alienation, Contemporary Social Issues

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