Bioactive glasses (BGs) is a synthetic osteoinductive material that has characteristic feature to form an interfacial linkage between an implant and host tissue. It is classified as third generation biomaterials and has ability to bond to hard as well as soft tissue. It simulates bone formation through dissolution of ions during the degradative process of BG, which induce osteogenic gene expression leading to enhanced bone regeneration. Therefore, BGs have shown great applications in the field of bone regeneration, tissue engineering, dental materials, and periodontal regeneration. This review is specifically based on performance of BG scaffolds being used in tibial bone regeneration in animal models. The relationship of critical size defect and tibial regeneration has been highlighted where BGs have been used as synthetic bone graft materials. It was found that BGs showed enhanced osteogenic properties without any toxicity. There has been significant research work performed on micro-particles bioactive glasses but not much literature can be found on nano-particles bioactive glasses, which can show better osteogenic properties due to high surface area and better adaptability with hard tissue structure.
Key words: Tibia, Bone, Regeneration, Bioactive glass, Animal models