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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 191-200

Syntax Competence for Grade 8 Students Manifest in Basic Sentence Patterns

Ida Nur’aeni, Suparno, Titik Harsiati, Sumadi.


Syntax competence has a role in the success of communication. Syntax competence is manifested in the performance in composing sentences. According to the theory of transformation, sentences are divided into basic sentences and transformation sentences. Basic sentences have a basic phrase structure pattern, while transformation sentences have a pattern of changing basic sentences. The syntactic competence, which is manifested in the basic sentences of Indonesian, consists of five patterns, namely FN1+FN2, FN+FV, FN+FA, FN+FNum, FN+FPrep

Key words: syntactic competence, 8th-grade students, basic sentence patterns

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