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Clinical Features and Length of Stay of Inpatients in the Psychiatric Ward of A Military University Hospital: One-Year Review [Bir Askeri Üniversite Hastanesi Psikiyatri Servisinde Yatarak Tedavi Gören Hastaların Yatış Süreleri ve Klinik Özellikleri: Bir Yıllık İnceleme]

Alper Evrensel, Hakan Balibey, Nevzat Tarhan.


There are few researches about the average length of stay of inpatients in psychiatric clinics and costs of their treatment. In addition, these are unknown in Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GMMA) and military hospitals. In this study, it is aimed to determine the average length of staying at hospital according to their diagnosis and the frequency of hospitalization of inpatients in psychiatric clinics of GMMA. In a one-year period between July 2004 and July 2005, all patients admitted to a psychiatric clinic GMMA prospectively were included in the study. In total 1311 records were examined. Findings: The average length of staying at hospital was 23.8±5.7 days and the average of the frequency of hospitalization was 1.5±0.5. 3.6% of inpatients were admitted involuntary, 22.1% of them were admitted for the forensic observation and %69.1 of them was admitted for the first time to the clinic. 47.5% of patients were discharged without medication, and 15.3% of them had multiple drug use were determined. The average length of stay of those admitted for forensic observation was 12.5 ± 4.2 days. Revolving door group was hospitalized frequently and long-term. Moreover, processing time of health institutions is too long. These two lead wastage. With the realistic determination of average cost of an inpatient and its burden to the national economy, resources can be used more efficiently and health care can be able to offer better quality.

Key words: Inpatient, length of hospitalization, cost accounting, military psychiatry

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