Background Information on the mental health problems of Nigerian adolescents and young adults is desirable as they constitute about 20 percent of the population and a large part of the work force.
Aim To determine the pattern of mental disorders and their associated factors among adolescents and young adults.
Method A total of 150 consecutive adolescents and young adults, managed during a 3-year period, at a Nigerian teaching hospital were
evaluated prospectively, information and I.C.D 10 diagnosis of mental disorder was collected on each subject.
Results The commonest mental disorder was schizophrenia (40.0%) followed by manic episode, 27.3%; organic mental disorder, 13.3%; depressive episode. 12.7% and bipolar affective disorder, 2.7%. Depression was commoner among females while organic mental disorder was commoner among males. Preceding stressful life events/precipitants were elicited in 68 (45.3%) subjects, the commonest being examination stress and cannabis abuse. Almost half of the sample had consulted other agencies before presentation.
Conclusion Introducing topics on effective stud habits to the curriculum of schools and campaign against cannabis abuse appear important for their mental health promotion.