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BMB. 2024; 9(3): 0-0

Periprosthetic fracture literature since 1990: A bibliometric analysis

Emre Özmen, Alican Baris, Esra Circi, Serdar Yuksel, Ozan Beytemür.


This study conducts a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of periprosthetic fracture literature since 1990. The goal is to uncover prevalent themes, key authors, andgeographical trends.
Periprosthetic fractures represent a significant complication in geriatric arthroplasty population. While traditional literature reviews on this subject exists, bibliometric methods may uncover previously unseen trends and nuances that may have been overlooked.
The Web of Science database was searched from January 1990 to December 2022,retrieving 2445 articles and reviews. Data were imported into CiteSpace andVOSviewer for keyword, authorship, and citation burst analysis, and co-citation clustering.
An exponential growth in periprosthetic fracture literature since the late 1990s was noted. The USA led in research output, followed by the UK and Germany. Prominent authors experiencing citation bursts included Lewallen, Berry, Duncan, Masri, and Abdel. Co-citation analysis revealed ten prominent clusters, with high silhouette values indicating strong thematic cohesion.
This study provides a holistic view of the evolution and current state of periprosthetic fracture research. It highlights the USA, UK, and Germany as leaders but notes increasing contributions from other countries. The study identifies reveals the changing landscape as well as influential authors and thematic clusters in this field.

Key words: Keywords: periprosthetic fracture, bibliometric analysis, cluster analysis

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