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Profile of CEA Levels in Colorectal Carcinoma patients: A Descriptive Analytic with Cross-Sectional Design

Jamilah Somartini, A.M. Luthfi Parewangi, Nu'man AS Daud, Fardah Akil, Fachruddin Benyamin, Tutik Harjianti, Syakib Bakri, Hasyim Kasim, Arifin Seweng.

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Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignancy worldwide and the second most lethal cancer in the world. In general, the development of CRC is interaction between environmental factors and genetic factors. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker that has been widely used throughout the world. In addition to assess recurrence and prognosis of CRC, CEA can also be used to assess the presence of metastasis.
Objective: To determine the profile of CEA levels in patients with CRC.
Methods: This study was a descriptive analytic research with cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital during Jun 2012 until Dec 2017.
Results: Subjects who met the study criteria were 326 patients. CRC patients were more commonly found in male 179 (54,9%), the age range of 41-60 years 168 (51,5%), the most cell types was adenocarcinoma cells 288 (88.3%), moderate degree of differentiation 189 (58,0%) and the most location in the rectum 213 (65,3%). The majority of patients had no metastases 256 (78,5%). Degree of differentiation (p=0,0014) and metastasis (0,004) had significant correlation with CEA levels. Multivariate analysis showed that degree of differentiation (OR=3,0), metastasis (OR=2,2) and age ≤40 years old (OR= 1,7) were significantly associated with CEA levels (all p

Key words: Colorectal cancer, Carcinoembryonic antigen

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