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Original Article

NJP. 2009; 7(2): 21-28

Sexual Dysfunctions among Psychiatric Outpatients in Calabar.



Background: Psychiatric patients are known to suffer from impairment in several areas of their general functioning. One major area affected
is the area of sexual functioning, which could be as a result of their psychiatric illness or as a result of their psychotropic medication.
Aims: To determine the prevalence and pattern of sexual dysfunctions among psychiatric outpatients and the relationship between sexual
dysfunctions and demographic variables.
Methods: A socio-demographic data questionnaire was administered on consecutive out patients of the Federal
Psychaitric Hospital, Calabar. Male pedants were also given the International Index of Erectile Function (IEEF) while female patients were given
the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). The same questionnaires were also administered on a healthy control group. Patients and controls were each 150innumber.

Key words: Key words: Sexual Dysfunction, Prevalence, Psychiatric patients

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