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NJP. 2008; 6(2): 86-89

OBITUARY Olabisi Adebayo ODEJIDE (1941 - 2008)



The small but distinguished group of psychiatrists in Nigeria which could be described as belonging to the second generation of that profession
(after the generation of T.A. Lambo) was composed of outstanding members who blazed several trails in clinical practice, academic,
administration,and policy making. A few of them even ventured into politics. Professor Olabisi Adebayo Odejide was an exemplar of the
group. His foray into diverse areas of activity and his ability to make a mark in most was a reflection of the
qualities that soclearly characterized several members of that group. Bom in a small town of Iresi, in Osun
State of Nigeria, his roots probably belie the accomplishments that were later to characterize his life. As many people of his age, he was raised in a polygamous home and the spirit of hard work and striving to excel must have been nurtured by the dynamics of that family background. Many offspring of polygamous homes often find the competitive sibling engagement of their childhood the springboard for robust character development and later success in the outside world.

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