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BMB. 2019; 4(1): 10-15

Evaluation of Readmitted Patients After Intensive Care Unit Discharge (Retrospective Study)

Pınar Ongel Cayoren, Kerem Erkalp, Mehmet Salih Sevdi, Serdar Demirgan, Huseyin Cayoren, Aysin Selcan.


Evaluation of Readmitted Patients After Intensive Care Unit Discharge (Retrospective Study)

Objective: Nearly %10 of the discharged patients are readmitted to ICU at the same hospital stay. Reduction of readmission rates could be used as a hospital performance indicator. Our aim is to analyze the reasons and results of readmissions of patients who were discharged to a general ward from ICU in a two-years period.
Material and Method: Readmissions of the patients who had been treated in our ICU between the dates of 01.01.2015-31.12.2016 were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic characteristics of patients, readmission rates, initial admission indications and comorbidities, distribution of readmission indications, timing of readmission after discharge, distribution of patients in terms of mechanical ventilation need, discharge time of readmitted patients at initial admission to ICU after weaning, readmission mortality rates, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), APACHE-II ve SOFA scores of patients at initial admission and readmission were analyzed and compared.
Results: 59 patients (3.55%) are readmitted to ICU after discharge at the same hospital stay. When examining the departments where the readmitted patients came from, it is seen that 19 patients (32.2%) were readmitted to ICU from Department of General Surgery. 22 of readmissions (37.29%) occurred within first 48 hours after discharge. The most common reasons of readmissions are for postoperative monitoring after revisional surgery (44.07%) and acute respiratory failure (40.68%).
Conclusion: The patients who are discharged from ICU are at a high risk of being readmitted to ICU (35). Readmission to ICU is associated with higher mortality risk than the initial admission. The first step of reducing the rates of readmission to ICU process is to anticipate the patients who would be readmitted to ICU priorly and improve service wards healthcare quality.

Key words: Readmission, intensive care unit, critical patient

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