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Research Article

JJEE. 2025; 11(1): 1-17

New Low-Complexity Selected Active Coefficients Adaptive Sparse Algorithm for Teleconferencing Systems and Identification

Redha Bendoumia, Abderrezak Guessoum, Islam Hassani, Ahcene Abed.


Addressing the challenge of sparse acoustic channel is important in communication systems such as tele- and video-conferencing systems. Sparse impulse response plays an efficient role in acoustic identification systems, particularly in long acoustic rooms. This article presents an enhanced version of the Improved Proportionate Normalized Least-Mean-Squares (IP-NLMS) algorithm. It adapts only the active coefficients, thereby reducing the computational complexity of IP-NLMS algorithm. The selected active coefficients of the IP-NLMS algorithm (SAC-IP-NLMS) are proposed exactly in sparse impulse response (SIR) in order to reduce the computational complexity with faster convergence rate. Several simulations conducted across various sparse environments - based on the time evolution of error signals, the mean square error, the echo return loss enhancement and the computational complexity - validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Key words: Adaptive filtering; Sparse impulse responses; Improved Proportionate Normalized Least-Mean-Squares algorithm; Communication system.

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