Objective: To find the burden of pre-eclampsia among multigravidas so sufficient steps can be taken to reduce morbidity and mortality among them.
Methodology: This descriptive cross sectional study was done at department of gynecology and obstetrics, Shaikh Zaid Women Hospital, Larkana from July 23, 2015 to January 22, 2016. Women with parity 2 to 4, gestational age from 20 weeks onwards confirmed by dating ultrasound and having singleton pregnancy were included in the study. Patients with essential hypertension, medical disorders like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and renal disease, multifetal pregnancy, history of smoking and congenital anomaly were excluded. Preeclampsia was diagnosed on the basis of measuring blood pressure of 140/90 and proteinuria of 1+ or more on dipstick with or without edema. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0.
Results: Mean age of patients was 26.94±3.36 years, 58 (47.9%) were para 2, 62 (51.2%) had gravida 4, mean gestational age 26.64±3.97 weeks. 89 (73.6%) had BMI of
Key words: Preeclampsia, multigravida, proteinuria.