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Review Article

Med Arch. 2012; 66(3): 201-203

Avoiding Parental Distress When Discussing About Sudep: the Albanian Experience

Jera Kruja, Gentian Vyshka.


Introduction: Pediatric SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) is an uncommon event, but its unpredictability has rendered the issue very important to be addressed, under all points of view: medical, moral and legal one. The death of a child has been always considered a dramatic event for the Albanian families, and when it overcomes unexpectedly the emotional reactions might even be more exaggerated. Discussion: Debates about truth-telling on the prognosis, or even on the probability of a sudden death related to the main diagnosis (epilepsy) are old and controversial. Risk factors for SUDEP have been formulated and strategies to confront them have been put in place; however medical (pharmacological) compliance seems by large the most important protective factor. Conclusion: To our opinion, disclosing the risk of a sudden death to the family on a child suffering from epilepsy is a necessary act; timing and ways of disclosure are details that need to be refined case-by-case, in a situation where a general consensus or guidelines are lacking. A step-by-step approach and a gradual informing are helpful and psychologically acceptable from the parents or other relatives.

Key words: SUDEP, epilepsy, truth-telling, seizure, psychological burden.

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